
The Suffolk County Landbank Corporation (SCLBC) is a not-for-profit corporation, which was organized in accordance with the New York State Land Bank Act. The overall purpose of the SCLBC is to facilitate the redevelopment of distressed and underutilized properties within Suffolk County.  

Suffolk County was granted approval to create a land bank in February 2013, and the SCLBC was organized in May 2013. 

The creation of the SCLBC was the result of extensive collaboration with the Executive and Legislative branches of Suffolk County’s government, as well as the Suffolk Town Supervisors Association, all of which are represented in the board of directors, as well as New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation, and community stakeholders. The cooperative approach in its organization has resulted in expressions of support from every town in the county.

The goals of the Suffolk County Landbank Corporation (SCLBC) are to: facilitate community revitalization, protect the quality of Suffolk's sole source drinking water through the clean-up of brownfields, and create short term remediation jobs, mid-term construction jobs, and long-term employment, by returning neglected properties to productive reuse.